" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Linking, Connecting, Social Networking ... never stopping

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Linking, Connecting, Social Networking ... never stopping

As I wait to hear from Dave Litz (the DP) about the next shoot date, I have choices. I could either obsess and worry or I could try to find ways to get more eyes on my blog and video. I choose B. Today I worked with Terri, my tech support/ angel from heaven and wait ... a moment to talk about Terri. Terri, is so ON IT, I can't believe it. I've been working with her for years, ever since I first got a website and yet, daily, she puts on her gold cuff bracelets, cape and crown and turns into Wonder Woman! If you EVER need a website, literature to promote your company, branding help or Feng Shui consulting, Terri's your girl. Her contact information is in the post marked credits but if you can't find it, contact me and I'll forward it to you. She's a gem. Today we worked on getting my blog into more search engines. It already is at the top of the list on google and yahoo but now can be found on other blog search engines too! That excites me beyond belief. Since I'm trying to grab everyone I know and everyone I don't know this is sure to get some strangers! Yippee for me!

Meanwhile, I've been working on the next two scripts. I'm memorizing lines, working on characterization and considering costume choices. Great news, today I spoke with Devon and he is on board to shoot the fourth installment. This means my DPs will go like this, Devon, Dave Litz, Spencer Jay Kim, Devon ... I haven't figured who will shoot the 5th one, although it is cast already! I do love love love that fact.

So my cast mates for the first 5 are as follows: Greg, was in A. Jay Kim and Joe Bonamico are in for installment B. For the C installment I only need a guy to say ONE line in an Australian accent so that is not cast. For D, none other than Jeff Blanchard. He's hilarious and it's a funny scene, can't wait. The E shoot will include Cathy Albers. Sounds great doesn't it? Of course, if you don't know these people, you are SOOOOOOOO about to and I do feel you will love their performances, as will I.

OK, I'm going to shut up for now because I'm supposed to keep these posts short so I don't bore you all to tears. How am I doing?


Anonymous said...

You are doing great Nancy! I love reading your posts!

Anonymous said...

I'm not bored, keep going.