" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Meryl Streep

Monday, July 12, 2010

Meryl Streep

Lately I've been thinking about Meryl a lot.  I'm sure this comes as no surprise considering the central theme of my project.  Still, I've begun the positive visualization of the moment when I hear from, run into, or correspond with Meryl.  The inspiration for this project was the movie, Julie and Julia where Julie Powell cooked her way through that very famous french cookbook.  When Julia finally caught wind of Julie's blog and her year long endeavor, Julia did not like Julie at all.  Apparently, she was underwhelmed.  This has crossed my mind more than once.  Meryl could very well hate the idea, the work, the efforts that I've put into A to Z and still I want to find out what she thinks. 

I respect Meryl as an actor and a person.  I admire the fact that she's oh so popular yet you never see her in the tabloids.  I love that she puts family first and is a truly dedicated Mother and Wife.  As for her on the set, all arrows point to brilliance.  I can't say how much it would mean for me to do even one scene with her. 

So, how about that meeting?  I really wonder if I could keep it together or if I'd just be a blubbering idiot.  I would hope that I could treat her like any other human being but she's such a superstar that I might just stand there and giggle.  Gosh, I hope I could eventually form a sentence and I really hope that Meryl would be patient enough to wait for me to do so. 

I guess I must go back to the drawing board to find a way to connect with the fabulous Meryl.  If you're reading this and would like to forward the link to her somehow, I won't stop you.


Terri said...

Do you know where Meryl lives? Go visit her. :)