" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Tag, you're it... or am I it? Oh crap

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tag, you're it... or am I it? Oh crap

Remember when you were little and you played tag?  Obviously I'm not talking to anyone in their 20s because I think tag was passe by the time you were born.  Well for those of you who have never played, the object of the game is to have one person who is IT who runs around frantically trying to make everyone else IT by slapping them.  Oh sure, people say you have to "tag" them but let's face it, tag is another word for biff or slap or smack and sometimes we tagged certain people harder than others!  As the baby of the family I loved it when I would get to tag the crap out of someone.  Why do I bring this up?  Because I've been on a learning curve that has my head swimming in the deep end of the internet pool.  They have these things called metatags and keywords and titles and descriptions and html codes and all of this crap has to be just right for anyone to see your stuff.  In other words, if I do all of those things correctly, I could finally be IT and then slap the heck outta everyone in sight and out of sight!  Wouldn't that be great?

So then I had to learn what words are best for what I'm trying to do.  Oddly enough, words that have nothing to do with my project might better serve me but I'm not one to mislead the peeps.  So having Meryl Streep in there is a great tag but Nancy Telzerow, not really.  Ain't that a kick in the butt?! Using brunette is wonderful but love project, nope.  Trying the word film is terrific but Valentine's Day not too awesome.  You see?  It IS rocket science.  It is beyond the tiny way my mind thinks. 

Then I got the link popularity report and found out I was about as popular as the snotty nosed zitty kid.  Oh crap again!  So, while you can google my name and see lots of me, there's not enough of me with Meryl's name.  Google ranks you according to your hits but your hits go way up if you're on google.  Is your head about to explode?  Mine is!  lol

I'm keeping a stiff upper lip and I'm in a square stance ready to tag the hell out of anything and anyone.  I think it was easier when I was running around the yard just trying to slap people.  lolololol


Spencer Jay Kim said...

I think this is all extremely valuable information to have. "Knowing is half the battle!" They used to say that on a show I watched back when I played tag.