" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Alphabet Soup and Meryl's assistant!!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alphabet Soup and Meryl's assistant!!!

The other day when looking at the remaining letters, I discovered that I would NOT finish on February 14 if all went according to my calculations. Well, we both know my Math skills and as I kept writing AB CD EF GH on several pieces of paper, I wondered how I could have EVER thought I'd finish on that date. Then last night, in the middle of the night, I got out of bed and got my A to Z with Meryl and Me calendar. It's one I printed out way back when with my very own handwriting saying when each scene would be shot and aired. I learned two things. One, it's a darn good thing I'm flexible to some degree and can handle change AND I was right! The way it works out with a biweekly release of scenes, in January of 2011, 3 scenes will be aired. Yippee! I'm back on track. Now mind you the track is no longer straight, in some parts it's two wooden sticks, in others it certainly dead ends into a tree but I'm on it nonetheless. In moments I will look at my youtube channel and see actual air dates for each scene and then adjust my calendar to reflect that. That will be fun. Uh oh, I think I've just crossed over into Star Trekkie status in the A to Z world. Jay you'll let me know if I misspelled Trekkie, right?

Now the big news which is really only the medium news but it's bigger than what I've said before so it's pretty big to me. You might need to reread that 4 times, sorry. My people have been talking to Meryl's people and just yesterday I was told that her people are passing my stuff along to Meryl Streep's person and now I'm one degree away from Meryl. To clarify, my PR talked to her PR and they forwarded to Meryl's assistant. She could be looking at the videos RIGHT NOW. She could have seen them LAST NIGHT. She could be looking for the tums and reaching for a beer OR planning an elaborate meeting with ME. Maybe she's calling her friend, Ellen Degeneres, and saying, "Ellen, I need you to bring me on your show with this crazy chick from Ohio". It could happen. That, and much much more!

So, today is a huge day. Every day is a huge day. I will post again when I get the news. Meanwhile, I have to beautify myself because I'm going to bring my flip camera along with me so I can record every phone call from a strange number that I receive. Yep, it's official, I've lost it!!!! :-)


Terri said...

How exciting Nancy! Can't wait till I see your recording of you talking directly to Meryl on the phone. Very cool.

Jay said...

Good spelling.