" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Catching Up

Friday, June 24, 2011

Catching Up

For those of you who haven't heard from me lately, here's why.  After A to Z wrapped, my next gig was Producing and starring in several radio and TV spots for Indiana Beach Amusement Park and Resort.  Next up was a stint with Vitamix where I was not the talent but instead the on set stylist. I was in charge of making the background of the shot look beautiful. My duties were to buy any and all props necessary for food closeups and backgrounds of 20 recipes, not to mention fill all of the kitchen cupboards and decorate the counters so they tied into my theme. Then I have to return as much of those props that I possibly can ... 900 dollars worth! As if that wouldn't keep me busy, when I got to set I was asked to do the clapboard and I became a runner, literally.  I ran up and down the halls of the Viking store delivering props, food and news to everyone else involved.  Basically I was everyone's assistant, or at least that's what I stepped up to do. It just didn't seem possible that all would get done without a lot of hustle.

With that said, Producing the spots, and working crew is definitely NOT what I want for a career.  It brought me money.  I am appreciative of the trust and faith that people have in me as someone who is more than just a talent but once again I am ever so grateful that I love what I do and I will forge ahead to find more opportunities for me to be on camera and doing voice over.  That's my love and so I will go for it.  I hope you are blessed enough to know what you love to do and be able to do it.

In other news, I never did hear from Meryl Streep but I haven't been putting the effort towards that lately so maybe I just need some focus.  I better get some binoculars because I want to zoom in on the future.