" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Picture Day!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Picture Day!

Remember when you were little and it was picture day at school?  You would get a pretty dress (if you were a girl or a cross dresser) and you'd practice your smile in the mirror (maybe I am the only one who did that) and off you'd go to make a memory.  Inevitably the pictures would come back and you would be mid laugh or crooked smiled and the hair,  OH the hair!  You would think to yourself it looked way better when you styled it and Mom would ask, why didn't they run a comb through it and then you hid the pictures in the drawer because the last thing you wanted to do was pass them out. Well do you?  Do you remember it? All of your grade school pictures, K-8 are dancing through your head right now, aren't they?

WELL, today is MY picture day with the incredible photographer, Bradford Rogne! The only thing is I'm assured that my hair will be great because he will be doing it and my makeup will be perfect because Bradford is a one stop shop. Then there are the images, well, times have changed so we can digitally check our progress while we have the session.  No re-shoots here.

I'm so excited.  I'm bringing about 15 outfits and Bradford is going to work his magic and voila, new actors headshots.  I will post the link here and everywhere as soon as I have it.  Yippee!