" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Bright eyed and well, nothing is bushy but's that's fine with me!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bright eyed and well, nothing is bushy but's that's fine with me!

Got food yesterday after just a brief panic over losing my credit card. Spent most of the day relaxing, or trying to, in the glued to the couch position. Went to bed and slept a full 8 hours. That is just the beginning. You'll see. I'll have many more nights like this one. I may even take a nap today too! So there!

Every morning when I wake up, I pick up my blackberry and look at the time to count how many hours of sleep I got. So you see I'm not only obsessed about this project. I then see the little email and facebook icons. Today was a sweet awakening. Not only did I get the proper amount (for starters, that is) of sleep but also there were more than few facebook messages of friends supporting my project. Their comments were not just that of support but actual critiques of the way it was shot and my performance. I'm so grateful to them. I can't even say how much that means to me. By the end of yesterday, A is for Adaptation had around 200 hits. That means it's getting 100 hits per day. I would like to continue that or make that grow by leaps and bounds. I plan to put my focus on getting more viewers today. Oh but I do have to remember to go to the library. I've been holding "Before and After" and "A Cry in the Dark" hostage and I'm pretty sure I now owe a fine ... DARN! It won't amount to much, probably the cost of a single rental at Blockbuster but how dumb can I be? I think driving to drop them off would have just been too much the last couple of days, so I guess that's the price I pay, literally.

On a completely separate topic, I do have a few friends on facebook who have thousands, of connections, literally. I approached all of them prior to the release of my first video and requested that they do a blast to their thousands and show them the video. I did this because their friends happen to be west coasters and include some pretty big names. I figure the sooner this gets to Meryl, Ellen, Oprah and Letterman, the better BUT I don't think any of them have done anything with it. In fact, of the 4 that I mentioned this to, I'm not even sure if they watched it themselves. I was really counting on that element and that particular support and I realize that one short video may not be the best visual persuasion but if they were to do this with each video, can you imagine the numbers I could get? Now, I also get that I'm asking them to care as much about my project as I do and that's silly and I may be putting them in the position of feeling like a pest but I thought we came to an agreement. How can I gently say, how 'bout it? Like I said earlier, my focus today will be to get more viewers. I hope tonight I have an incredible story about how I put it out to the world and got more hits than William Hung, in one day! If you have any brainstorms about this, I want to hear from you. Or if you have access to a ridiculously large email list, please send it! Thanks.