" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Her budget can beat up my budget

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Her budget can beat up my budget

Meryl is an amazing actress no matter how you slice it but I'm sure the director, huge production crew, hair and makeup, set dressers etc can't hurt. I've been calling myself the UPM on this gig for a few days now and that's truly what I am. Unfortunately, when you're "running the show" sometimes the most important part is what falls through the cracks. The performance has to be my focus. How am I supposed to think of that though, when I'm calling this one and scheduling that one and driving here and printing that and typing this and researching it all!? Well, I know there will be issues from A to Z but I'm excited about this learning curve. I've now taken to watching non Meryl movies and checking out Director's commentaries so I can put in certain requests from the DP. Can't you just hear me now? You know that one camera move thing they did in that one shot of About a Boy? Can you do that here? If I had a clue, I'd be dangerous and I think we're approaching that rapidly.

I hope I sleep better and worry less once the first video is up and more than my immediate circle of friends and family watch it. I'm looking for strangers here. I know, Mom frowns on that sort of thing. I'm supposed to not make eye contact but that's exactly what I want, their eyes on me. I need to spread this wide so one day I can write to you and say, hey, not much going on here ... just got off the phone with MERYL! So, can YOU do me a favor? I know, as if you already haven't. I mean just by reading this and quietly following along you've been so supportive and I thank you BUT UM, one more thing ... can you tell EVERYONE in the free world? Once my link goes up on youtube or here or my website or facebook or linkedin or twitter could YOU copy and paste it to an email and send it to your email list? I'll even write your blurb for ya. Ahem...

Dear Friends,

Please excuse this mass email but I have this lunatic of a friend who is attempting to perform 26 Meryl scenes from 26 Meryl movies and I feel sorry for the poor thing. She's not asking much, just check it out and if you comment could you refrain from profanity? Her Mom might be watching. You can do that right? Thanks so much. She means well. Oh and if you know Meryl Streep, Oprah or Obama, can you send it to them too? Thanks bunches!

Signed, an innocent bystander

See! That sort of takes the heat off you and puts it all on me ... because I certainly need more heat right about now. I might need to book a massage soon.


mrs b said...

i am excited nancy t to follow your project from a to z with meryl & me.

i was trying to be all "hip and tweety"...

you go girl...

Terri said...

lol! i love that you wrote the email blast for us. should we also include ellen degenerous? t

Jay said...

Here we go...