" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Moments away... time is ticking ... I'm frazzled but beginning my sigh of relief

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Moments away... time is ticking ... I'm frazzled but beginning my sigh of relief

I won't write much here especially since I almost typed right, you see? After 5 days of less than the proper amount of sleep, I am officially another person. This person wishes a buffet would appear before her eyes and Meryl Streep would call her for tips on her next accent. This is a person who has so much to say but cannot begin to tell you what today entailed. This is a girl who will type way more tomorrow ... promise.

Suffice it to say editing did not go as expected. Shooting did not go as planned. People exceeded my expectations and yet surprised me at every turn.

I was reminded that I should be proud that I got one done ... for real. I don't feel that yet but I plan to after some rest and that buffet of course.

In mere moments, you will be able to view Adaptation, the A in A to Z. Now I think I'll concentrate on the zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Good night all.