" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: blogging on my blackberry and beautiful news

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

blogging on my blackberry and beautiful news

So let's just get this out of the way. You know when a child is not old enough to play with a certain toy? You always tell them someday they might be older and more able to manage it. Well its crystal clear to me that I'm not old enough to have a laptop. I love the mobility factor but still don't have a handle on the fragility. I broke it again and this time I think its for good. It might be time to get me back to a desk top where I belong. I'm saying to myself, "put your hands in the air and back away from the laptop".

The great news far outshines my sad computer tale, though. I was contacted today by a writer from the Cleveland Scene Magazine. He wants to do a story about me and my love project! Isn't that terrific? It all starts with one interview ya know. I also am having Jeff Blanchard do the next shoot for the "D" movie and he wants to bring me on wncx, his radio show in the morning. That will be great too. Publicity is where its at so I'm putting out a request for a P.R. Person. Any ideas? Hmm?


Terri said...

Incredible I say! PR Person? What do you need that person to do exactly?

Jay said...

I can't wait for the article! This is such great news!!