" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: an angry crowd and a black belt

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

an angry crowd and a black belt

Still in St. Louis and work is going very well. I needed a belt for the job and after spending the whole work day with my hands folded near my belt line to hide the fact that one was missing, I decided to shop. Obama is in town right now so there was an angry mob screaming "just say no to shabbas" or so I thought. In fact they said Chavez and all I could think was if you're going to scream in my face, at least articulate!

As for the project not too much to report except I am working with a guy from Australia. As you know, I've been working on that accent and just shot the C scene where I was Australian. I asked him to say a few of my lines. He did it wrong. ;-). Where was he a week or two ago?


Terri said...

Did the Australian guy like your accent? :)