" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: C is for crap, I have another shoot today! and an explanation of the B scene.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

C is for crap, I have another shoot today! and an explanation of the B scene.

Actually, I'm pretty excited about the scene itself. It's a monologue, no other actors really, very simply shot ... should be a breeze. However, there have been few breezes in executing this project. In fact, it's like a dessert in the thick of summer, the heat is ON, so I don't want to jinx myself.

Allow me to take a moment to talk about some great stuff that has happened recently. Besides Jennifer Klide sweetly getting me a DP at the 11th hour for my last shoot, Woodie Anderson also loaned me his light boxes to be borrowed for months, if I choose! Isn't that awesome? Do you know what light boxes are? I didn't until I saw them and then realized I've seen them a hundred times. As an actor, you see a bunch of stuff on set but you don't necessarily know what it is called or why it's there. No mystery here though, light is light and without it, gosh things could get way scarier than necessary. Remember the craziness involved with posting the B video? Noel Maitland came in to save the day. What took him a matter of minutes had the rest of us squirming for over 12 hours. Oh well, live and learn. I also wrote an email to the real Lindy Chamberlain, who is the next character I will play from the movie A Cry in the Dark. I hope to hear from her as I heard from Susan Orlean. Meryl sure does play a lot of real people!

So today I will shoot C, then work the car show in the evening. I work the Cleveland auto show Fri, Sat and Sun and then I'll edit the C scene on Monday before I fly to St. Louis for 4 days to work for Nissan Commercial Vehicles. Can you say, holy tired Mama? That be me.

One more thing, I say that a lot don't I? It's never just one either. About the B scene from Before and After. Meryl Streep played a supporting role and she was very quiet for most of the movie. Her main scenes usually showcased the other actors and her only time to do a lot of the talking was very brief and with a lot of extras. This was one of the reasons I chose this particular scene from the movie but also I wanted to show that very often actors must portray the person who is on the listening end of things. We don't always get the meaty parts and most often we don't get to select the parts we are offered. I love the fact that I'm showcasing other actors in this project. No worries there will be plenty of Nancy along the way. I have 24 more scenes as you know and the common denominator is ME.


Jay said...

You say it, Mama!