" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: some must haves

Thursday, March 18, 2010

some must haves

Yesterday I had an awesome commercial audition. It was for a national spot and could be a pretty paycheck so it was worth the roundtrip (4.5 hour drive) to Pittsburgh. I did my audition in front of four other actors, the casting director and two assistants. I got very positive feedback surprisingly not just from the casting director but also from the other actors. It felt great. I really love auditioning which is a good thing since I have two today.

I also got a call yesterday about an on cam spokesperson job from a person I networked with at a recent film commission mixer. Yippee! I knew this project would keep me busy and I LOVE it.

Needs? As I look over the rest of the year for my project I'm creating a long list of items I need to complete the job.



Ticket to Chicago (K scene)

Ticket to LA?

Trip to NYC to meet Roberta the violin teacher I will play in "Music of the Heart"

A computer!!! This should be first.

A car but that's besides the point.

The list goes on but you will be shocked to see how many of these things I get before its all over. Just watch.


Terri said...

OMG! This is so exciting! I see that light shining in your travel corner is working BIG TIME!!!!

Big love as I give you this next Feng Shui tip... Create a little Feng Shui Good Luck kit or inspiration board by adding in pics of everything you need from the perfect car to the airline trips etc. Along with these pics add a thank you note to all that is here now and all that is coming to you. You may also want to prioritize as you go by only adding one pic at a time and then once that is fulfilled move onto the next one.

Put this good luck kit/aspiration board in an area where you can see it daily.

So exciting!

Terri said...

P.S. A good place for an inspiration board is your frig!