" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: All Meryl, All Day

Thursday, March 18, 2010

All Meryl, All Day

With the exception of two voice over auditions and an email reply to a potential client, my day was spent with Meryl Streep. At this point I'm feeling our relationship is very one sided. I visit, I write, I read and what does she do for me? Other than providing an example, setting the bar unbelievably high, and continuing to wow me with her performances, she pretty much doesn't give me the time of day. I'll forgive her for now because I know any day now, Meryl will call me and say "what up, Nance?". Can't you just hear her? Actually I more expect to hear from a producer on some network talk show. Either way I'll probably lie and say Nancy's not here because they will mispronounce my last name and I'll think they're a telemarketer! Then I'll have to make my voice higher when I realize they are important and pretend I'm one of my sisters, only to return the call five minutes later, with a much lower voice and say "this is Nancy, you called?". Wouldn't it be much easier if they would learn to pronounce my name? Sheesh!