" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Easter bunny's hopping and so am I!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter bunny's hopping and so am I!

I decided today was a good day to compose the email inquiring about the PR intern from BW. I hope to hear some guidance soon on that front so that instead of me doing this one man show thing, I can delegate a bit. That is not to say that I have no help because we all know that's absolutely not true. I just mean after a scene is posted, there's a ton of advertising efforts that need to be put forth and perhaps my time would be better spent preparing for the next scene, ya know?  Yep, that's what I mean.

I've updated all of my online stuff and I need to contact Cathy Albers about the E scene to set up rehearsals and possible shoot dates.  I also need to pursue more makeup artists but they HAVE to be good. If I'm going to be aged 25 years, it needs to look authentic versus making me feel 25 years older because I'm so worried about how crappy it looks!

By the way, you know how 40 is the new 30?  Well, "French Lieutenant's Woman" is the new "Lions For Lambs"!  Snoozy McSnoozerson!  I literally think I'm going to pull something from the movie trailer because I'm not sure I have it in me to watch that film.  I was assured by my friend Jay, that I could pretty much have full liberty with my choice since only 6 people besides him saw it!  That, I believe! 

To Meryl...
Sorry Meryl, this is no offense to you but if that movie were a meal, a la Julie Powell, I would consider it a bad recipe. They can't all be winners, right?  Of course Meryl, your acting was amazing, as always.  You did the best with the material at hand.  Still, I feel sorry for you, how did you manage to stay awake during some of that?  I have to believe that on a Saturday night, if you EVER curl up to one of your own movies, The French Lieutenant's Woman is not one you would pick off the shelf.  Come on ... admit it, Meryl... you know I'm right. 

Yes, it's official, I'm starting to talk to Meryl and actually hoping for a response.  So the question is, how many of you have a friend or a cousin or a neighbor who knows a personal assistant to a friend of Meryl's?  I know at least ONE of you have to have a connection to Meryl.  This is a small world after all.  Haven't you been to Disney Land?  OK, I'm going to post a link to this blog on my facebook page so that all of my connections there can put their thinking caps on and find me some Meryl!


Terri said...

Hey Meryl... aren't you super flattered by Nancy's project? She loves you big time.