" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Editing and soon to release the "F" scene, as opposed to the f'n scene

Friday, April 30, 2010

Editing and soon to release the "F" scene, as opposed to the f'n scene

Yesterday was the shoot for the scene from "Falling in Love".  We went to the bookstore and it was so quaint.  I wanted to buy about 50 things. They had the nicest baskets with a bottle of wine, a wine stopper, a journal, and some other goodies for only $25!  I thought that would make a cool gift for someone, but I digress. Oh the shopping thing, gets me every time.

The shoot went well.  Since the original scene takes place in a bookstore and we were in fact, in a bookstore, it looked very realistic.  Michael Cipiti was the actor for this scene and he was the perfect combination of tough guy and soft heart, that was needed for this scene.  It is, by the way, the final scene of the film so there shouldn't be too many questions about what happens next, except for the questions you'd have when watching the actual movie. So, bottom line, the shoot went well.  I left feeling pretty good about what we captured, although I felt like we needed to spend a bit more time at the end because I wasn't sure we captured the perfect angles.  Hmm, what do I know?  I didn't speak up because I truly try to give the other artists creative space so I guess until I see that footage I will zip my lip.

We edited the beginning yesterday.  So far, so good.  It's supposed to be an awkward conversation between two lost loves and we definitely captured that.  We will continue editing soon.  Devon is on his way and we're gonna knock this thing out!  I'll let you know my feelings about it afterwards.  I'm always apprehensive before I release a scene and this is no different.  I did see the acting though and I can honestly say it didn't suck.  That's a relief.


Terri said...

Ohhhh, can wait.