" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: F is for forgetful, freaking out, but fine

Monday, April 26, 2010

F is for forgetful, freaking out, but fine

OK, I live and breathe this project, right?  I'm beginning to be sick of Meryl, not truly sick, but almost like, sheesh ... you again!?  Still, even with those facts, I completely spaced off and forgot to plan the "F" scene.  The way I randomly chose the scene, "The French Lieutenant's Woman" was in the F slot.  Later in the alphabet, when there was no movie that began with Y, the movie, "Falling in Love" was selected. The FLW involves two locations, period costuming and an English accent (not worried about the accent).  Falling in Love involves two people and could be shot more simply as long as I can find a scene that doesn't include 1000 extras. I am almost certain that I will be making an executive decision to change the FLW movie to the second to the last spot, where Falling in Love used to be.  It's the only film where I play two separate characters, have period costuming and need two locations.  That's more of a finale kind of scenario.  Speaking of the finale, I have not at all decided this but I'm thinking of doing a huge party scene and getting everyone who was involved, in any way, in my project to be in it!  They would be the party attendees.  How cool would it be to see Jimmy, Devon, Terri or any of the previous actors floating around in the background?!  I'm oh so excited about that idea but I'm not sure if I'll be able to pull it off.  Oh boy, will that take some planning!!!

So, now I must re-watch Falling in Love and choose the scene, send the clip and script to the other actor, arrange a time for Devon, and all to schedule the shoot AND figure out a location.  I haven't even contacted Wendall about it because of the whole spacing out thing!  What the heck!  I'll figure it out.  A girl can be distracted here and there, right?  No harm, no foul.  It all comes out in the wash.  It is what it is and all of those other nonsensical sayings.

On another note, I got my new business cards.  They include my blog address, my email, my youtube, and my website plus my phone number!  They are all designed to match my website, blog and overall branding and the lovely Terri Negron did it so beautifully.  I'm very excited!  Can't wait to pass them out to the universe.