" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: One snag and it was all me

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One snag and it was all me

Yesterday was the shoot day for the "E" installment of A to Z. In the movie Evening, Meryl only did one scene and her real life daughter played her character as a young girl. Meryl was aged to do the role so my guess is she was shooting for her 60s to play it.

I had it all planned out. I was going to run errands prior to my shoot, one of which was an audition. The errands all went like clockwork and I had a successful audition where I did my best. Who could ask
for more? Then it was time to head to the location. I wanted to arrive 30 minutes to an hour prior to the others. In that time, I was going to choose from 3 costumes and begin the aging process.

I got to the Silver residence, aka the location, just 2 minutes after realizing I left my bag with costumes and all makeup, at the studio. When that dawned on me, after saying sh*t about five times, I knew I couldn't retrieve it because I was letting the others in the house. It would have been irresponsible to leave them there alone while I drove an hour roundtrip to get the bag. I phoned Jimmy, knowing he would be headed home shortly after his workout to ask that he backtrack to the studio and get my bag. He did it but it truly had us start about an hour later than planned. Mind you, I had a real make up artist that could have been there for that hour working on me but I said she shouldn't bother coming because it would put us too behind. If that thought doesnt have you saying sh*t too, I'm surprised.

So while we awaited Jimmys arrival, Devon set up and began plotting out a more detailed shot list. Cathy was ready and waiting patiently. We went over angles and lines all while I was nowhere near ready. It occurred to me that I could work on my hair a bit. There was baby powder and that would make it look grayish. I was grasping at straws. Soon I heard Jimmy come home and I began the process of trying on costumes and aging myself. I truly took about 15 minutes. A professional makeup artist would take at least an hour to do what I wanted and I am no pro with makeup. Yikes!

I did my best and in Jimmys bathroom, I looked definitely older, although that could have been from all of the anxiety and swearing ;-)
On camera, the makeup and hair weren't up to par. My hair just looks brown. Sheesh.

In some shots my face does look aged. My teeth look too white. My hair was falling down. My skirt was too short, um anything else? Nope the rest was the acting and Devons artistry. That was all great.

Cathy Albers did a beautiful job. Her performance was so authentic. I really felt a chemistry there. My first scene with a woman and besides all of my self imposed snafus, it went well.

Thanks to Devon, Jimmy and Cathy for their patience and amazing talents. The scene will post today on the 14th. That thrills me. It will be the 3rd scene that aired on the 14th of the month since the project started. Hey if the little things didn't make me happy, I wouldn't be me.