" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: The real skinny about what happened at WNCX

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The real skinny about what happened at WNCX

I drove up and down Huron Road and then looked at, what I thought was the wrong direction, and finally landed on WNCX.  I parked at a meter.  Upon entering the door, I noticed a keypad to get buzzed in but luckily a sharply dressed man was coming out simultaneous to my arrival.  I began to blow by him when he asked, "what are you here for?", I said (like a 5 year old), "I'm gonna be on the radio!"  He said, "what show are you going on?"  I replied, "the Scott and Jeff show!!!"  He asked me my name and I simply said, "Nancy!"  He shook my hand and from the title, the smell of the suit, and his adeptness at mazing through the corridors, I could feel the power.  This guy was high on the totem pole.  He brought me to the lobby where I was to wait for Jeff.  Before I could get my text over to Jeff, there he was (Jeff) and his first words were, "why are you bothering such important people and you're early!"  Sheesh, clearly he's never encountered a professional before.  He told me to sit on the couch and left me like those people who leash their dogs to a bike rack outside the store.  I was fidgety to say the least.

While I waited, I figured I'd hear all sorts of witty banter from the radio show and expected to hear Scott say, "I just can't wait to meet Nancy.  This is my dream come true." but instead I was straining to hear anything at all.  Who ever heard of a radio station keeping their show so quiet that the only place to hear it more clearly was to stand in the bathroom?  Well, that's what I did.  I went and stood in the bathroom with my hand cupped around my ear to listen for my own name to be dropped.  I heard no such thing but I did get quite a few awkward glances from people walking by, I guess they're not used to the bathroom door being open like that while someone is in there. 

Soon, Jeff came out and made me go into his office.  I wonder if he heard about me in the bathroom, hmm.  He said, "you can play with the computer".  I think at that point I was officially upgraded from abandoned pup to adolescent ... thanks, Jeff.  His facebook page came right up and I desperately wanted to hack his account.  Here are some possible status updates that I considered for my dear friend, Jeffery:

Jeff is weeping uncontrollably until the moment he can have Nancy Telzerow on the show to improve the ratings!


Jeff wishes he had half the wit of Nancy Telzerow ... oh, to dream.


Jeff's career highlight was working with Nancy Telzerow ... a moment of silence please.

The ideas came rolling in but instead with an unbelievable amount of restraint, I signed off of his account and began updating my own facebook status, what a good girl.  Jeff then brought me into the studio, introduced me to the interns (they had cute nicknames and everything!) and I got to meet Scott!  I immediately noticed Scott's nicely groomed facial hair.  That sort of thing is not lost on me.  They were all very welcoming and their only words of warning were to avoid the 7 deadlies or whatever they called them.  Basically, there are 7 words you're not allowed to say on the radio but I didn't know what they were!  I asked Jeff and as he rattled them off, I said, UM hello?  My Mom might be listening!  I don't think so.

As you may have heard, I stayed away from all bad words and managed to have a fun time on the radio.  I said bye to all and told Scott I would be back on a weekly basis, not sure if he liked that ;-)

To hear the snippet of my time on air, I will post it as soon as the wonderful producer, sends it to me.  I can't wait!


Anonymous said...

Good job Nancy!!!

Kevin Minne'

mrs b said...

very funny blog nancy...and yes, senor miller is a handsome devil...

and you should have posted a few status updates on my husbands account. i would have...xoxo

Unknown said...

Just a couple of corrections regarding your appearance on the Award Winning Morning Show:

1.) You were not admonished for being early...(7:45am for a 8:20am call)It was just widely known that with your sense of direction, you probably left around 2am
2.) The bathroom wall you were listening at is against the engineering room, not the studio. Again...refer to your sense of direction.
3.) You were not good on the show...you were awesome! After all these years, I can still say it's always a blast to work with you!

Nancy T said...

I'm so glad you peeps are reading. Jeffery, did you notice that I used the word boobies? That's one of my 47 deadlies but what the heck, I know good radio ;-)