" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Some press news I need to release

Monday, May 31, 2010

Some press news I need to release

Remember when I accidentally emailed that press guy 5 times in one hour?  Well, he said I could contact him tomorrow to discuss my press release.  That means that after we shoot at around 1:30, and before we edit at around 6 ish, I can call him ONCE and make some progress.  Meanwhile, I heard from someone else who I think is from the same company.  The woman left a message on my phone and must have called while I was dialing someone else so the number didn't register on my caller ID and missed calls.  That is why I failed to call her back immediately and instead phoned her on Friday when we all know she was probably not in the office.  Everyone and their brother took that day off or at least left early in anticipation for the long weekend. By the way, I might be the only person I know that wishes this weekend would end already.  I have no picnics to attend and no invites for croquet so let's get on with it.  Back to A to Z!

So, tomorrow will be a big day.  Oh and I got some good news about a location for the I scene.  Becky, the same one who provided me with the choir robes for scene D, is a great link to a church.  Why didn't I think of that?  She works and sings at many churches.  I posted my location questions on facebook and along with about 10 other responses and leads, came Becky's.  She is my link to all that is holy.  Gotta love her!  I should go to the Shrine and buy her a nice prayer book or a cupcake, not sure which.


Terri said...

Happy H Shooting Nancy!

Spencer Jay Kim said...

I want that cupcake.