" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Special thanks and credits for the "F" Scene

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Special thanks and credits for the "F" Scene

The shooting of the scene from Falling in Love was a better experience than watching the entire original movie, no offense Meryl or Bobby.  Truth be told, it all went swimmingly and it was because of my power team that I can say that.

Devon V Collins
Well, crap, I've said so much about Dev.  Peeps are going to think I've got a crush!  Truth is, he is doing great work after fabulous work after tremendous work, all while juggling a very intense schedule of editing work of his own.  He's getting called constantly to work on other sets, edit for other films and yet he makes time and gives his best to me and A to Z.  What else is there but his contact info?  You can email him at  devon@stimulifilm.com  and see more of his work at http://vimeo.com/stimuli.  He's worth every penny of his day rate and more.  You won't be disappointed.

Michael Cipiti
I met my costar, Michael, while working for a murder mystery company back in the early 90s.  We were often cast as brother and sister, I think it was an Italian thing.  He came prepared for rehearsal and was ready to go for the shoot, that has always been a consistency with Michael.  He has worked nationally in TV, films, commercials and theater.  He recently appeared as Angelo Porello in Sugar Wars, a documentary about the Cleveland Mafia.  He starred in and co-produced the psychological thriller, A Good Day for a Killing.  Despite these credits, he really is a nice guy.  You can learn more about Michael at his website at http://mlcproductions.com or email him directly at mlcproductions@yahoo.com.

Terri Negron
It's a love thing with Terri too. She has been on board with A to Z since before it was an alphabet.  When I called her to tell her of my idea, she was excited and ready to jump in with both feet.  It is that enthusiasm that Terri brings to her every client for each and every project.  There is no project too large or small for Terri.  She'll design your website, create your business card, make your poster or give you a new logo!  Check out her site that shows off her graphic design and interior design utilizing Feng Shui - http://wwwfengshui5.com/design.html or email her directly at terri@fengshui5.com. 

Did you love the location for this scene?  I sure did.  We just happened to shoot in an area near a bunch of books that I own.  I considered that a good omen.  The real sign that should have tipped me off was when I called Visible Voice Books and spoke with Jeff.  I told him about my project and with no hesitation he said we could shoot there.  His only request was that we don't disrupt the business.  When we arrived the next day, Paul was more than helpful and you could be assisted by either of these generous guys by heading to Visible Voice Books.  They are located at 1023 Kenilworth Avenue (in Tremont) Cleveland, OH or you can call them at 216-961-0084.  Visit them online and shop at http://www.visiblevoicebooks.com or http://www.myspace.com/visiblevoicebooks.  Check them out at http://www.facebook.com too!  It's charming and they have just the book you need.

Special thanks also go to:
The Jimmy Silver who is ever so helpful with every letter in my year long dream.
Wendall Hinkle who takes my ridiculously late calls requesting locations and gives it his best shot.