" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Wishing and Hoping

Friday, October 29, 2010

Wishing and Hoping

As you know very soon I will get a look at the footage or a rough cut of the river wild scene and I'm more than excited.  Any day now I'll hear from Brian that I can come in and take a look.  I absolutely cannot wait!

Very soon I will post the thanks for the P scene and I'm in the final stages of planning the S scene.  My makeup artist cannot make that date after all and for that particular scene where I'm a complete glam queen, I really want someone else to do it for me.  I hope I can find a replacement for her soon. Then there's the mansion - location.  It's simple I just need an elegant home with a dining room that has openings on both sides so that we can get wide shots of the entire table too.  Budapest Blonde will be providing their cocktail mixes for product placement.  That will be my first product placement for any scene.

So many firsts have happened for this project.  It's all exciting. I miss my friends and family... don't get to see them much but after February I'll be a lot more open to see all, that is, unless Meryl Streep contacts me and gets me in her movie she's doing with Sandra Bullock, and Oprah.  Hmm, we'll see about all of that.