" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Feeling just a little helpless

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Feeling just a little helpless

Well, I heard from Brian yesterday and he wants to re-shoot the b roll to make the R scene even better.  No complaints here, that's important ... getting the absolute best.  I offered to go with him to re-shoot it and he said he's got it all under control.  Today I found a great shot of Tinker's Creek in Valley View which could offer some wonderful b roll so I forwarded it to Brian.  I really want to try and help from afar if at all possible. I don't want these guys to feel like I'm hanging them out to dry while I sit here and do my nails.

So here I sit, Halloween weekend with no little kid to dress up and no real plans.  I can't even say I would want to have plans because the thought of coming up with a costume, considering how often I do that for A to Z, doesn't really appeal to me.  I'm fighting boredom. Of course I could clean but ... nah.  I could make more plans for the next 5 scenes but I need a break.  I could take a nap ... but I just woke up and I think I'll save that for later.

I wonder what Meryl Streep does for Halloween?  She could dress up like anyone and she would be so convincing they would ask why didn't she didn't wear a costume.  All of her kids are too grown for dressing up, well at least by her anyway, so maybe she's doing what I'm doing ... nada.  Hard to imagine though.  Happy Halloween to Meryl and to every one of you who takes the time to read my silliness.


TT said...

Hmmm.. try reading a good book to get your mind off the R scene and see if that clears your mind. Ya never know. :)