" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: I need an intervention

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I need an intervention

Next up, an elegant place setting for 5.  I am going to visit The Jimmy and borrow some of his silver but I still need actual dishes and bowls.  Jeannie was sweet enough to loan me a blonde wig.  I have to go get the nails and I'm so excited to be using a makeup artist for the very first time in this entire a to z process.  Her name is Karen Laskodi and she was recommended to me by Dresden Buras who was recommended to me by someone else, ya know?  Karen is a make up artist and major youtube fan who is thrilled to take on the challenge of making me a 2010 romance novel writer. My decision was to make the character of Mary Fisher the same person as she was in the original movie but to update her to this year.  Well we all know in 2010 when a woman looks fake, she's fake from head to toe.  That includes, botox, collagen, lipsuction, implants, nails, hair, you name it.  I cannot wait to have my face taped back to look permanently shocked!  How fun will that be?

I have so many things to plan for She Devil that I'm quite sure that's by design so that I can take my mind off of the absent River Wild.

I caught the preview of Meryl Streep on "Web Therapy" and her role is fantastic, of course.  I would love to do that show.  Hmm, it's time to have something really amazing happen for me.  It just is.