" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: An Elephant is Sitting on My Rib Cage ... but other than that

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

An Elephant is Sitting on My Rib Cage ... but other than that

I'm fine.  The other day I was hanging with some friends when at the end of the night I found myself hanging from the arms of one of them.  In other words, he squeezed me so tight and then lifted me that I was in fact dangling.  Two days later and two nights later of restless sleep, I'm sore.  I mean like someone punched both of the sides of my ribs and left big bruises, sore.

Know what I'm not sore about though?  My shoot this Friday will be great.  Cast, crew, location and most of the wardrobe are set.  Things are looking good and for those of you wanting a comedy it mostly is a very light hearted scene.

Guess what else. I heard from Jill Zarin's facebook administrator, Maggie.  I'm guessing her job is to manage Jill's facebook fan page and maybe she does a few other internet duties for Jill.  Maggie, sent me a message offering both of their email addresses so I could get my point across.  WOW!  Isn't that cool? Maggie, thanks so much, if you're reading this.  I wrote a rather long email detailing the A to Z road and then stressed how much I want it to grow more especially since my input and everyone else's has been largely without financial compensation.  I hope the letter finds Jill in a helpful mindset. I just know she will have to appreciate the amount of work accomplished with no money at all!  Jill gets it.  Let's hope she gets it.   Well she's got it ... my email ... that is.  And if I know that connected housewife from New York, I'll bet she has the connections to all the important peeps right in Meryl Streep's back yardHow cool is that?!


Terri said...

YIPPEE! So cool that you connected to Jill's assistant! Hope Jill checks out your A to Z scenes and has some connections to hook you up to the New York Times and Meryl Streep! Nice!