" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: It's all crap

Thursday, February 3, 2011

It's all crap

LOLOL... just kidding, The Jimmy just said that but I'm pretty sure he wasn't talking about A to Z. Although, there are times when I would say that about certain things that go on ... here are some ideas I have for documenting, creating memories, and tying this all up in a pretty bow.

1.  I want to send each actor an email with a collection of quotes from viewers.  In other words, each scene I post gets comments on both youtube and facebook and I would do my best to retrieve all comments for each actor and send them as a gift that says how very well they did and how appreciative everyone was.  That's a lot of work though.

2.  I want to do the same for the shooters.  There are a ton of comments directed towards them and who doesn't love to hear that?  Again, time consuming for me.

3.  I want to do a 30 day, after the fact daily video log after Feb. 14.  I think doing the 30 days just at the end hasn't been as fruitful as it could be because I'm still so wrapped up in the day to day.  This could be good and yet, I might just want to stare at a wall and mouth breathe after that date, ya know?

4.  I have to start my marketing attack ... and that's what it will definitely be an all out attack to get MORE WORK using this incredible reel which brings me to ...

5.  I need to make a reel of two things, the best of and the bloopers.  Well maybe it needs to be three things because behind the scenes could be good too.

Truth is, I never want to forget all that happened during this past year and all of the good that came from it.  Oh there's more I want to do but I'm not sharing that just yet.