" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Thinking about bridges

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thinking about bridges

And I don't just mean the Bridges of Madison County. I figuratively leaped off a bridge more than a year ago to begin my A to Z journey. I've written about all of the ups and most of the downs. Still, it's as though no one quite has the entire story. I've kept myself on the other side of the bridge. I've sequestered myself to some extent as a means of preservation. I mean, I've been putting myself out there and squinting - wincing at the thought of what might come back at me. Meryl Streep? What do you really think is going to happen? Won't you be glad when this is all over? To answer: yes, Meryl Streep. I seriously don't know anymore what will happen ... and glad? That's not the word for it.

Tomorrow I will finally post the She Devil thanks. Long after Valentine's Day I will write and thank and post and promote. So will it be over? Not really.