" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: The Morning Before

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Morning Before

Tomorrow I'm going to Indiana for the Indiana Beach meeting.  I will get to tour the park, meet the owner face to face and see the sites.  I'm pretty sure there aren't many sites but it should be a good meeting for me nonetheless.

This morning I woke up far too early.  I was excited for my day and restless all at the same time.  Hmm, rest less, yes that's what it was a mere 4 hours of rest but I do see a nap in my future.  You know how I feel about no sleep so I won't go on about that.

As for the future of my marketing plan with A to Z, I expect to know way more once I return from Indiana and can begin planning my trip to LA.  I wish I had more to say right now but I don't.  Lots on my mind and trying to keep it all in order.