" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Waiting and Hibernating

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Waiting and Hibernating

I just got a call regarding the package I've been wearily waiting for and it appears that I have made actual contact with the person who can be sure it is sent to me.  That can only be good news.  I've been waiting, doubting, wondering, worrying, and sitting like a bear in the winter.  Actually hibernation isn't just about bears sitting is it?  Well, I've been sitting, and sleeping and not sleeping which is far worse.  In other words, I've been all jacked up about it all.  If that phone call was the indication that I think it was, I am grateful to be past that hump.

I think today it would be best for me to run errands and get out of my home.  The walls are getting tight and this could relieve the stress.  I definitely do better when I'm away but I haven't left much lately.  I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.  Thank goodness.