" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Thought Meryl Streep called today

Monday, July 19, 2010

Thought Meryl Streep called today

I saw an unfamiliar number but I was on the K-1 (I'll explain another time) and the machine was too loud to answer.  Then I thought, that number looks like it's from NY and then I thought that could be Meryl and then I thought if I let her leave a message I could save it forever and then I thought how rude not to answer Meryl's call and then I thought, wow that was a long message!  So, after a lot of thought, I retrieved the message only to find that it was from someone else, and I just figured it's not her time to call ... YET.  By the way, I would be happy to call her but I'm playing hard to get.  Actually, I am playing the I don't want to stalk her card and that is why I'm hoping she contacts me.  I have sent her publicist my phone number but it might be time to send it to her agent.  What do ya think?

Tomorrow is a big day.  We shoot the K scene.  The location is downtown Cleveland and I'll be working with Vic Gideon.  Sound like fun?  It does to me!  Vic is a great guy.  Even though the scene is sad, I'm sure we'll still really enjoy ourselves.  Devon is going to shoot it and it might be a very light crew or just us three.  The scene is intimate so that really works for me.  Eric, a facebook friend of mine, was the one to offer the location.  I have been SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky with locations.  They all turn out great and the people are so accommodating.  Yea team! 

OK, I'm going to go back to rehearsing.  I've been using my flip camera to rehearse the scene.  It's like directing myself so I know how it needs to feel.  I just love love love this camera.  My sister got it for me and Jimmy got me a special charger and battery so I never again have to worry about it working correctly.  Thanks to both of them!