" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: All quiet on the northcoast front

Friday, September 17, 2010

All quiet on the northcoast front

I spoke with Matt yesterday, he is one of the guys from Rare Form Digital who worked on the K scene.  His company, along with Peter Sampson's largest green screen in the land, at least the Ohio land, will be working on both The River Wild and Out of Africa.  We're going to set up a meeting next week to discuss and I plan to get schooled as to how it all works.  I've done green screen work before but mostly for corporate clients so here's how it went.  I stood in front of a green wall or screen and I did my part, then in post production they would fly in graphics, to either come at my head or roll behind me.  My scenes will be way different because Peter uses technology that doesn't just place me in front of a scene but instead puts me inside a scene ... way different animal.  I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo excited.  Did you get that?  Soooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Other than that plan and minor preparations for the P scene, I'm really just watching my numbers at this point.  It's amazing that both the Trailer and M scene are still growing and the C scene is also a big hit!  The O and N scenes both made great debuts and we're rolling along.

Now I just need Meryl Streep, her assistant or anyone in her family to call me or my publicist or Ellen DeGeneres or Oprah.  Is that too much to envision?  I can see it, can you????


Terri said...

Yes, I can see it. I know cuz when I become centered and in the moment that is when the universe lines up to fulfill my dreams.