" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Old Home Weekend

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Old Home Weekend

Today is the day that I'm going to my pseudo high school reunion.  I say pseudo because it officially was canceled and don't you think cancel should have two L's in the past tense?  Uh oh, ADD ... sawry.  Anyway, a group of us are going to Ferrante's Winery midday.  After that, I'm going to my Mama's where I will do a photo shoot for The Star Beacon.  They've written an article about me for Tuesday's paper and they are going to take the pictures to go with it!  THEN, I'm going to Martini's in the evening to see some more of the same friends plus a few of the other ones.  I always look forward to reunion's because it's amazing to see what people are up to and to play the "do I recognize you" game.  When it was cancelled (lol), I was bummed because this year in addition to my normal reasons I had one MAIN reason for really wanting a reunion.  I have been wanting to thank all of my classmates for their generous support.  They have been watching my videos, commenting and cheering me on for months!  I can't even remember if they were close friends of mine but it's like we've all grown up and they're in my corner.  It's really so sweet.  So today, I'm going to every location I can think of to say thank you and I appreciate you to as many peeps as I can find.  I'm sure I'll inadvertently talk to some strangers and thank them too!  It's all about the love, ya know?

Also, I just have this feeling.  Can I explain it?  Well, nope.  Is it a good one?  Oh yes, definitely.  Is it about Meryl Streep?  Well, DUH.  I just feel like whether it's Ellen DeGeneres, Meryl herself or her assistant, I'm going to be doing a movie because of her OR with her.  That's what I think.  BTW, if you think I'm giddy now, wait until you see that!  While my plan is to air my "final" scene on February 14, I hope to continue my blog for a bit so you all can find out what great things happened as the result.  Or better yet, I hope they happen before the 14th so I can write them and then you can just go to the movies to see the rest!  Ahh, it's all so dreamy.


Terri said...

Have fun at your pseudo reunion! Bring business cards. :)