" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Miss Oolanyus

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Miss Oolanyus

Today I'm going to be a lady called Miss Oolanyus.  Why?  Because I have all of this little stuff to do.  Talk about tying up loose ends!  I need to learn my script and figure out all props for the P scene.  I really need to confirm my actor for the Q scene.  I have to breathe down the neck of The Rare Form Digital guys to get that meeting for all the green screen stuff and I have an audition.

Some of these items I've mentioned before.  When I wasn't doing them then, I was doing other misc. stuff that had to be done.  So as I wear my Miss O shirt for the day and  tackle the small stuff I'm going to remember all the big stuff that's boiling over in the background.  Yesterday Liz (PR) contacted every known media entity in town to forward my info and get even more press.  She also reached out to Ellen Degeneres or at least the secretary at the studios and is making headway there.  In addition, she found out that Meryl's assistant has been on vacation so the delay in Meryl seeing or hearing about me could be due to that.  Does she really need time off?  How tough is it?  OK, maybe I'm being harsh on Meryl's assistant but you don't see my assistant getting a vacation, do you?  Come to think of it, you don't SEE my assistant!  Hence, the Miss Oolanyus moniker for the day.  I'll keep you posted if I hear any big news.  Stay tuned and wish me luck on getting all of this tiny stuff done. http://www.youtube.com/nancytelzerow