" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Looking for a full court press

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Looking for a full court press

OK, my title has little to do with what I'm about to write but I like to throw in a sports term every now and then to mix it up.  Yesterday I was in the Star Beacon and although my name was misspelled and my maiden name was absent in the article, I was thrilled!  They gave me a ton of space and told my story.  Seriously, what more can I ask for?  I appreciate all the press I receive.  I've been very fortunate in the way of press.  I just loved going on WNCX for my radio interview and being on Mind, Body and Spirit to talk about A to Z.  Now, I want to see it all expand beyond the Ohio borders.  I guess that's what I mean by full court.  Let's see the United States as the court, yep, that's the kind of press I want.  I know that if I went to LA I could get back on the radio show where I co-hosted for one day, Talk LA.  Hmm, is it worth a trip?  I do need new photos.  Or perhaps I should wait until Meryl Streep calls me and says that I should meet her for lunch.  What will I order?  Will I even be hungry?  Oh my, I hope they have something vegetarian on the menu.  Wait a second, I'm getting ahead of myself here.  Of course they will, we'd be in NYC or LA. Whew, glad I figured that out.

Does it seem like my head is moving fast these days?  Well, it is!

I have much more to do today.  I think I've got locations for the P and Q scenes and now without going into crazy detail, I need more more more A to Z with Meryl and Me and so I shall create it.