" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Special thanks for the M is for Meryl scene

Monday, September 13, 2010

Special thanks for the M is for Meryl scene

Remember when M was for Marvin's Room?  Well, those days are long gone, my friends!  M is, was and always will be, at least until February 14, 2011, for Meryl Streep!  When the schedule went kaflooey and my actress for Marvin's Room needed a different time of year, I began to scramble for a new m scene.  Would it be The Bridges of Madison County?  Or would it be PriMe?  Who knew.  If you recall what was happening at the time, I was completely under water with things that needed to be shot.  One friend commented that it was like everything I had to do required a video and said, "hey Nancy, you wanna go to lunch?  Just send me a 5 minute video telling me why...".  Yep, I was pulling my hair out and was overwhelmed by tasks, underwhelmed by lack of energy ... suffice it to say I was whelmed beyond belief!  Then Jimmy Silver came up with the innocent statement that he thought the M scene was going to be the interview.  Well, I had only planned the interview as a special bonus video and the thought of taking the halfway point and inserting some Nancy comedy, was not half bad.  I was thrilled with Jimmy's idea.  I called a few important people to see if they agreed.  Devon said, "yep, sounds good to me".  Terri said, "go for it".  Jay truly got what I was talking about from the very start when I told him about the Meryl interview idea of mine. If Jay was on board and in agreement it was a wash, M was for Meryl and that was that.  So, here are my thanks and though the list is short, the thanks are long and heartfelt. 

Jimmy Silver, thanks to you for making an innocent assumption that turned into pure gold.  You opened up my mind to a solution that was not only good but more convenient and in a year long project where convenience has been low in attendance, I truly appreciate that.

Terri Negron, thanks to you for posting the M scene and supporting my decision of doing it the new way.  Your enthusiasm has always been so precious to me.  To hire Terri go to terri@fengshui5.com.

Jay Kim, aka Spencer Jay Kim, aka Miracle M scene Worker, thanks to you my friend.  Thank you for not only understanding completely what I meant to do with this interview but also for creating a script wrapped around selected lines I chose, shooting me in umpteen outfits, listening to my editing ideas over your shoulder and taking the bull by the horns overall.  You made this scene.  You did.  Sure, it was my idea and yes, I did come up with certain elements but you shaped it and believed in it and me every step of the way.  You always do and I must say that even though others said they understood the concept, you were the only person who really could see what was happening in my brain ... where few dare to go.  Bless your heart, Jay Kim and thank you from the bottom of mine.  Contact Jay to hire him for acting (see the B scene) or editing, (see the M scene), or directing (see the C scene) or shooting (see the N scene), email him at jkimgant@hotmail.com.  He is also on facebook so you can friend him there and as you can see, he's a good one at that!


Terri said...

Wow Jay, you be very talented. I loved you in the B scene.. it was like you really should be a lawyer. Nice.

Jay said...

Nancy, thank you for your kind words. It is an honor and privilage to continue to be a part of this project. I believe in the project because I believe in you. You put so much of yourself into A to Z that you and it are synonimous at this point. You are brave and talented and inspirational. I can't wait to see you take this thing to the finish line.

Jay said...

Terri, thank you!
B scene was a lot of fun. It was nice to play a perfect gentleman whose perspective I could understand and relate to :)