" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: I have letters coming out the watuzzi!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I have letters coming out the watuzzi!

I just saw the footage from the O scene and I'm sure we'll be able to put something together that will be compelling.  Chuck, the director from the I scene and the editor from the Trailer, will be my editor for O.

My actress, Marje and shooter, Jay, are all set for a September 28 go date for Postcards from the Edge, the P scene.  Thanks to facebook I got all sorts of leads on a location at tri-c for Postcards, so with any luck that will happen.  It's looking good.

Bridges of Madison County is the Q scene and Devon said he would be back for that one so getting that all in place is crucial.  I have the scene selected and the actor chosen but getting all to sync up with a 1950's kitchen set, should be interesting.

Then there's R ... A River Wild or is it The river Wild, perhaps I should call Meryl Streep to get the accurate title.  Oh sure, I could go to imdb.com and find out in minutes but it would be more fun to chat her up.  Meryl, you've got my number, right?  So for the R scene, I have potential shooters and the green screen somewhat lined up but I must meet with Peter Sampson, the owner of that amazing studio, to discuss the logistics.  I am going to be a learning fool!

Once I get all of those planned out, I'll feel a bit better.  That's not too much to hope for, is it?  Meanwhile, I think my film list doesn't have me ending on February 14, so I have to look at it again!  OH my goodness!