" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Turning the to do's into Done dids!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Turning the to do's into Done dids!

Yesterday was a productive day and if all goes as planned, today will be too.  We finished editing the O scene that is airing today.  Chuck was as patient as he could be during the editing process and I think what we came up with is poignant. Each scene feels like a baby to me.  They are all so special for many reasons.  In this case, it has to do with the subject matter.  It's a story about a woman who pretty much smiled and sang her way through life.  She was viewed by her daughter as irrelevant but she loved living.  She loved her family and homemaking.  Then gets sick with cancer and in the end of the film she dies.  Well, that's it in a nutshell anyway. In the scene I selected, she is talking to her daughter saying what I would and do to say to mine. When she says "it's so much easier to love what you have and to be happy", that's the moment that strikes a chord with me.  It's what I say to Cassie and it's how I truly feel.  Oh sure, I'd like another pair of shoes ... daily ... more than one pair ... high heels preferred ... BUT I'm happy even without those shoes ... size 6 ... something trendy.  I say it all with a wink and a smile and I guess that's my point.  Smiling through life and finding the fun in it, truly feels like living to me.  That is what has gotten me so far in my love project.  If I let snags stop me, and I have in the past believe me, I would not be all the way up to letter O for One True Thing.  So, I write to you about one true thing for me.  I choose to be happy.

At the end of the O scene, you will see a dedication of sorts to my ex husband, Chris Telzerow.  He died of cancer in 2008.  When I went to find something to wear for the scene, I looked in an old bag that Cassie has of her Dad's clothes.  The sweater you see me wearing was his.  I felt like he was sending me good vibes for the scene and although we hit many bumps in the road on the day of our shoot, it still turned out to be the beautiful message that I hope to share.

OK now, back to the tasks at hand.  I plan on talking to Peter Sampson, owner of the largest green screen in Northeast Ohio, today.  I called yesterday but missed him.  I need a meeting with that man.  I'm so excited to see the facility.  I hear it's amazing!  I've been playing phone tag with a woman named Inda who I have been told can hook me up with a location for the P scene.  I also need to contact the guys who did the K scene from Rare Form Digital to work in conjunction with Peter Sampson and do the shooting for the r and x scenes.  Hmm, what else?  I need to look into props and more logistics of the P scene.  I have to revise the press release that Liz sent me but my program won't allow me to edit or copy and paste ... yikes. I have to get the quotes for the press release so we can get that puppy out for peeps to see. I need to contact the photographer from the Star Beacon so I can take pics to accompany the new story they've written about A to Z.  And the list goes on.  I could occupy my every moment with A to Z with Meryl and Me.

For those of you wondering about our contact with Meryl Streep's publicity peeps, the ball is in their court although I'm sure Liz will do a follow up call within the next couple of days.  I feel something brewing there and that makes me happy!  See?  Happy.  See above for details ;-)


Jay said...

I'm sure Chris will be honored.

Terri said...

If you need help in editing the press release, let me know, K?

Nancy T said...

Terri, I will call you later because it's not allowing me to edit. Thanks!