" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Why have I been so quiet?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why have I been so quiet?

I've been waiting for some information so I could post the thanks to the L scene and didn't want to post twice in any given day.  So thinking that I would receive it, I would NOT post.  Get it?  Sounds silly, right?  Well, that's me, silly.

Yesterday I did an on camera interview for Christina Grozik who will be teaching industry courses and wanted professionals on tape to show to her class.  She asked me some basic questions and I spoke extemporaneously about acting, auditioning, breaking into the biz.  I offered to come to her class to do a one day workshop if she needed it.  Speaking of workshops, I heard from Cathy A (e scene) and she asked me to do a one day workshop for her class as well. So, even though I won't be teaching at BW this fall, I will be doing a bit here and there.  Truly it suits me fine to do one dayers.  I like coming in, saying my piece and heading out!  I guess I'm more of a sprinter than a marathon runner.

Next up I need to send Liz THE LIST.  You know the one.  The one that has all of the industry contacts that I need to reach including Meryl Streep's peeps.  That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?  So today I will send the list and tie up some other loose ends.  I suppose I could begin looking for the location for the P scene but it's kind of nice to take a break for a moment from that.  I guess we'll see what happens.

Oh and I sure hope to show you the L scene thanks pronto!