" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Special thanks for the L scene, Lions for Lambs!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Special thanks for the L scene, Lions for Lambs!

Lions for Lambs breaks one of my silly rules.  I don't watch films with animals in the title and this film is a two time offender.  Go ahead, think of the classics:  Deer Hunter, Dances with Wolves, Dog Day Afternoon, Raging Bull, Three Days of the Condor, bla bla animal bla. Didn't SEE 'em!  It was never planned exactly. I just didn't have any desire.  They sounded "scary" to me.  Having confessed that, it wasn't even just the title that had me reticent to watch this movie.  It was also political.  Never mind the irony that I was a Poli Sci major in college, that always gets a few laughs, I just couldn't sit still and watch the sucker.  I have told you this before but it bears repeating because the end result of this scene is truly one that I love.  I really enjoyed the entire process of this shoot and it felt like dig your heels in, chomp on something meaty, acting.  I knew Greg Violand was a great choice for this scene but he blew my expectations out of the water.  OK, enough about my feelings about animals and my college major, let's get on with the thanks!

Devon Collins once again was there for this scene, and did it all!  He was the Director of Photography, Editor and responsible for sound.  To hire Devon email him at devon@stimulifilm.com.  To see more of his work check out his other videos at vimeo.com/stimuli.  Or if you want to see his face go to my facebook page.  He's a friend and a true one at that.  When I sent him the script for the Lions for Lambs scene, he was the one who got me to trim it a bit so it wouldn't be as long.  Bet you wanna thank him now!

Gregory Violand is a member of SAG, AFTRA and AEA and if these actors unions aren't proof enough that he is a pro, let his work in the L scene speak for itself. Greg has been on the AFTRA board for years and  made contributions to the membership for that entire time.  If you would like to hire Greg and after this performance, I'm telling you, YOU WOULD, contact him at greg0038@aol.com. I will write more Greg info once I receive it from him.  Last I heard he was working on a show so perhaps that's why he's so busy!

The location was The 820 Building in downtown Cleveland.  This was a last minute find and the people there were more than accommodating.  We originally planned to shoot in a smaller office but the main office was offered when we saw how tight the quarters were.  I'm so appreciative for the use of this space and it worked perfectly in the scene!

Terri Negron is my tech support, web designer, and idea hatcher, so to speak.  She works with me on all blog posts, updates my website regularly and when the scenes are ready to be viewed, she's the one responsible for making sure they are posted properly.  I couldn't do all of this without her.  To hire Terri, email her at terri@fengshui5.com.  To see sample so her design work click here.

Special thanks go the following people as well, and the list is long. 

Woodie Anderson offered the wonderful lighting for use during my project!

Tiffany Collins allowed me to come into her home and work with her husband on many a scene.

Jay Kim gave me the idea of the perfect location.

Peter D. Michael provided me with the hairdo fit for a political reporter.

Cathy Nowlin would give the chair out from under her to help two of her AFTRA members.

Cassie unknowingly loaned me the belt that brought the whole ensemble together.

The Reel Thing is often used as my office for rehearsals and editing.

Thanks, thanks, thanks to everyone.  You were all so amazing and helpful.  I love this scene!