" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Working is good

Monday, September 20, 2010

Working is good

Today I have a voice over for Lubrizol. I love this client for many reasons. They have always treated me very well and they give me scripts that require concentration. I read 16 - over 30 pages of technical copy for them. I love voice over because I learned to read when I was about 7 and getting paid for it feels like stealing! Anyway, to make the last word sound as good as the first all while reading sentences that do not trip off the tongue is a great sport. I just know it will go smoothly. Reel Thing, here I come!

After that I will have a phone meeting with Matt Contorno from Rare Form Digital to discuss the two green screen scenes (r and x). I then have to end the phone tag game I've been playing with Inda, my contact for the P location. It's time to set that date in stone! I also need to reach out to my facebook friends and location manager to see about my Q location and contact that actor.

Other than that I've got nothing going and will be completely prepared to hear from Meryl Streep, her assistant and agent. Did I say AND? You bet I did!