" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: I'm a star in the Star Beacon!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm a star in the Star Beacon!

Today is the big day in Ashtabula, at least for my Mama.  It's a small town, you know.  Not too much is going on there and at 8:30 am she already received a call about this article.  http://starbeacon.com/currents/x704928132/Nancy-Telezerow-Ashtabula-County-s-own-MERYL-STREEP

My name was misspelled a couple of times but in all of my urls it's correct so YEA for me!  The article was great.  He didn't record the interview yet my quotes are accurate. I've learned that is a rarity.  According to my Mom's friend, Mary, it's the whole page.  For me it's hard to tell but I think Mom is about to buy a bunch of them so I'll get to see it soon.  I don't Meryl Streep will be picking up a Star Beacon any time soon but she has a few other people in her inner circle telling her about me so she should be covered.

I'm going to my agent's today for a mini photo shoot.  I was requested by a client for a print job and now they want to make sure I actually look like my pictures.  There will be no difference except a professional make up artist but I'm going to give it my best!

Next up I need to do some writing for my web designer and I still need to make contact with Inda regarding the P location.  I haven't even begun to plan for the Q scene. I think I better light a fire under my you know what!