" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Auditions, callbacks, plans????

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Auditions, callbacks, plans????

I heard back from the Vitamix people and now they want me to go to their facility for a callback and read from a script that they have prepared for me.  Great news is there will be a teleprompter so I don't have to worry about using an ear prompter while trying to operate a vitamix.  That will be sometime next week and although I have far less experience with the machine operation, I do know my way around a camera and teleprompter.  I will let you know how it goes.

Today, on a Saturday, I have a political audition.  I can't say much more about it because they might kill me.  I've been sworn to secrecy.  But Saturday?  Well, I always say I'd rather continue through my work week so this is a step towards that.

Yesterday I did a favor for Devon.  I've told all of my editors, shooters etc, if there's anything I can do for them since they help me sooooo much, I'm there.  Dev is working on a project with a rap group called, Tripod City.  They are three young guys who want to rap.  They sort of sound like eminem but I think their uniqueness comes from them just being suburban, white kids who happen to like that sort of music.  Anyway, the job was to take them shopping for their upcoming music video.  I brought Cassie.  Remember her?  She was in the N scene.  Anyway, she's about their age and that seemed smartest.  Turned out she was the perfect person to have with me because she was the hammer.  What I  mean is, if I didn't like what they showed me I tried to be diplomatic but all I would say is, "Cassie?" and she would say, "No, take that off, it's ugly"  BAM! Gotta love that kid.  The actual video is on Sunday and Devon also wants me to be the stylist for the shoot.  I've already chosen their clothes but one of them is a little off the charts with his style so I will have to reel him in as we begin shooting at 7:30 am, again, on a weekend!

Be careful what you wish for is oh so true.  As for the next two scenes, no word from Chuck yet about my new date proposal.  I wish I had an alternative but I cannot think of an actor who fits the bill, locally.  Hmm, might have to get creative here.

Did you catch Postcards from the Edge yet?  Wasn't Marje great?!