" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Thought about skipping it

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Thought about skipping it

Today is a chilly fall day.  I'm doing laundry, hanging out at The Jimmy's and waiting until he comes back to have some food together.  I was thinking about not blogging at all.  There is little to report on the A to Z front.  It's almost like each scene is a huge party and I'm recovering for the next three days after one is released.  Truth be told, I never take time to recover from real parties so I'm not sure why I need the down time but I guess I just do.

I am hoping to plan some pretty big activities very soon.  I want to go to LA to get new head shots for work.  I also want to plan a HUGE blow out party for the entire cast and crew of A to Z with Meryl and Me to be enjoyed right around Valentine's Day.  That day will be here before we know it.  I better start advertising my kickstart account so I can get some funding, otherwise we'll all meet on a street corner and I'll hand out bottled water.

Other than those ideas, I still have lots of project stuff to do but frankly, a phone call, text, email, fax, letter, or psychic contact with Meryl Streep would make it a lot easier to focus.