" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: auto show, preproduction, sleep? NAH

Sunday, February 28, 2010

auto show, preproduction, sleep? NAH

Wow, I actually missed a day of blogging. There was a blog in my heart but not a minute in my day! I woke up at 6 am, can you say ouch? I was ready and left with Cassie by 7 AM. You see the previous night I did the get to work math and came up with a departure time of 7 to get across town, in horrible weather, and get Cassie to work on time. Um, not only did I account for weather that just was not happening in the morning but I also miscalculated by one hour. Bottom line, I was 2 hours EARLY for a 13 hour day! YIKES. Got home around midnight and ATE... which is not how I roll. Went to bed around 1 am and now you're caught up. The auto show was a good gig, not many breaks, on feet all day, on the microphone all day, but the people were very nice mostly... NOW you're really up to speed.

Since I had no breaks I was unable to look at my phone and see if I heard from any one of the 5 industry people or hundreds of facebook, twitter, and linkedin friends regarding my lack of a DP for my Monday shoot. First break was around 5 PM where I saw that Jennifer Klide, an angel of mercy, found me Noel Maitland. If you're in the industry and live here, you know that Noel is a great and very experienced crew guy. I really lucked out. Since then, I've emailed him the script, and pertinent information. We decided on a shoot time of 10 AM on Monday. Next, we have to figure out editing. Jay edits but on a format that's different from what Noel uses. Without going into details I don't really have, it boils down to another huge obstacle and we haven't even shot it yet! This second scene has turned out to be WAY more frustrating and difficult than the first. I can only hope the third will be a breeze. Am I a fool or what?

More later. Have to get ready for a 10:30 to 8:00 PM day at the Auto Show. I would tell you how many hours that is but clearly I'm not so good with the math ;-)


Terri said...

So happy you found Noel to shoot! Maybe Jay should talk to Noel after he's done shooting. Am sure they can figure out formatting, huh? So happy for you!