" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Cleveland, Nashville, BW, Car Show and did I mention I need an ARTS GRANT!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Cleveland, Nashville, BW, Car Show and did I mention I need an ARTS GRANT!

This week involves me working on two different automotive accounts, travel to and from Nashville in a day and planning for my next shoot. After the crazy goings on of the first shoot, I was really hoping for a smoother go at the B installment, but so far ... not so much.

I did as I said and wrote Dave, the DP, a note. I'm expecting that he'll write back or call and let me know if we can shoot on March 1. If he cannot do it, I'll be looking for another DP (YIKES) and will still be aiming for March 1. If I cannot easily get another DP, I will have to use one of the actors I originally cast and therefore, will need to recast that role. It's the largest, most demanding part in the scene. That's a lot of ifs isn't it? Am I worried? Um, no ... WHY, does it seem like it? Do I seem to mention it in nearly every post? This could be a very long year if finding DPs is going to be this tough.

I spoke with my friend, Jeff Blanchard about Arts grants. He knows about them because he was one of the founders of Something Dada, an improv troupe. He mentioned going to the Halle building and filling out arts grant applications. He said there are several that are just one page long... very fast. Does he mean filling out the application is fast or the process of getting the money is speedy? I think I know the answer to that question but I sure hope I'm wrong. So, I will go online right now and try to find out what the heck he's talking about because certainly if I were offering money some of these issues would not be the case.