" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: I need a counter like Julie had on Julie and Julia

Sunday, February 14, 2010

I need a counter like Julie had on Julie and Julia

26 scenes from 26 films.... 25 left!!!!!

1 down 25 to go. I've sent the scripts, semi-secured the location, begun learning my lines and thought about wardrobe for the next scene I will shoot on February 26. There are some details to finalize but the hope is that this one will run more smoothly.

I really should tell you a bit about yesterday. I was meant to go to Devon's to edit but it didn't work out that I could,so we had to virtually edit my video through texting, instant messaging and very late night phone calling. My plan was to have it all finished by midnight on the 13th so that by 12:01 AM Valentine's Day, it was all Nancy T, all day. BUT, we really got it posted around 2:13 AM. My levels of stress were off the charts yesterday ... me no likey. If we had been in the same room to edit, that time could have been cut down significantly but when it was all said and done, the finished product was not too shabby.

Here's my critique. Hair, makeup, contacts, wardrobe, on some monitors the contacts really show up, on others not so much. The rest was pretty decent. I was not too bothered by the wig, and did learn that I want to maintain my own natural color. Performances, I thought Greg's vocal quality was great on the voice over. I thought facially his expressions were spot on with the character. My performance? Not sure if I conveyed the fascination enough but was very relieved that I didn't over do it. I really don't like to watch theatrical performances on camera ... that never reads well. Devon's camera work was great. His edits were smooth. The location rocked.

Would I changed anything? Oh heck yes. Absolutely. Without a doubt. However, for what it is and the budget and the time spent and the perimeters, I'm extremely happy.

So, there's my own opinion. Oh and as I mentioned earlier, I got my first and only NON fan today on my youtube channel but I got a couple of strangers on there who decided to subscribe! You know I'm digging that.

On another note, I got into a spirited argument with one of the actors I've asked to work on a shoot in the future. To be honest, the suggestions made to me were so stressful and overstepping the boundaries that I seriously considered dropping this person. Can you imagine that? I'm asking people to work for free and still having high standards? The nerve of me! Oh well, I let this person know in no uncertain terms that the level of stress involved in the first video, largely due to the deadline, was not going to be my level for the rest of this project. You see, I have friends and family and I want to be loving towards them. I don't want to turn into a raving lunatic so it's all about knowing what I can and cannot handle. If I see a "team member" is going to stress me way out, I will cut my losses and preserve the Me in A to Z. It's just gotta be that way.

I'm sure you've watched the video but if you haven't already, go to youtube.com/nancytelzerow.com My web designer is going to wonder why I didn't make this a live link but deep down she knows I'm a bit spent. Please copy and paste this and shhhh... don't tell her ;-)


Terri said...

hehe... yep.. nancy's web designer here who quietly went in and created a live link to nancy's youtube channell..hehe.. shhhhh. :)

Jay said...

Since the youtube page has been up, I've forgotten to check the blog and log in my supprot! So here I am.