" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Up up in the air, juggling all the way

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Up up in the air, juggling all the way

Tomorrow I start 3 straight days of work at the Cleveland Auto Show. I will be the passenger seat driver, meaning some stranger will get in the car with me and drive me around an indoor course. This should be fine provided that: the person driving CAN drive, is not drunk, does not have a death wish and has no anger issues. I'm sure it will go well and I probably tell you a story or two from the many people I'm bound to encounter. This work is very welcome, by the way, I do have to make money while doing my Love Project but it reminds me of college. When I was in college I used to think if I just didn't have these darned classes, I could handle all of my extra curricular activity more easily. Not much has changed especially with the A to Z approximate deadlines and many scenes looming in the near future.

After my first 3 days at the Auto Show, I will shoot on either Monday or Tuesday for Before and After, the "B" scene. I still have to hear from Dave the DP as to which day it will be and no matter what day it is WE WILL MAKE IT WORK. So, I've made another decision to take some pressure off myself for this shoot. I originally cast Joe Bonamico as my husband for the scene. I chose Joe because he has played my hubby 3 times on stage and we have wonderful chemistry but then two things occurred to me. He has to drive from New Philly which is 2 hours away and the weather here is once again winter stormy. Also, this part is not that meaty. It's rather smallish and truly Joe could be put to better use. So, Jay Kim called Dave (another Dave) Thomas, a director/actor/attorney whose office we are using for the shoot. Jay asked Dave to play the role of my husband and without hesitation Dave was on board. So, one Dave is acting opposite me and the other Dave is shooting it. I'm thrilled to have him in the role and know he will do a wonderful job. The size of the part is great for him since he has a hectic schedule, as I'm sure you can imagine and getting him involved while we use his office is great since he would have to be there anyway. I love that the whole actor bailing aspect as now been removed from the equation. Ah, that feels good. Now I better learn my lines ;-)


Terri said...

Nice that it's coming together. YIPPEE!