" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: not what I imagined but still great

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

not what I imagined but still great

You know how sometimes you picture what might happen in any given event?  You figure you'll take the test, it will be easy and you'll get an A.  You might think of a future vacation and visualize laughter and sunshine.  Never do I see a future meeting, event, or job as a potential disaster. I'm not saying my meeting was a bad one but it was not at all what I thought.

It turns out Devon is so busy that he can't shoot until Monday.  I love the fact that he's busy.  His working can only be good for his family and his ability to be a part of this project. That's what's up. However, that kind of blew the whole let's shoot Friday, edit Saturday, post Sunday theory I had going.  I was able to get Jeff's schedule and he had a ton of availability but I did not get his schedule for next week so I have to pray, cross fingers, lucky rabbits foot, sprinkle fairy dust and HOPE that Jeff can do Monday.  The new plan is shoot Monday from noon to four THEN Devon and I edit it and be done by 8 ish, I'm guessing.  He will take the footage home and post it to be sent to my web designer, Terri, who is always at the ready and she will post it either late Monday or early Tuesday.  Hmm, again, not what I imagined but could work.

I just heard, via text, from Jeff and he's good with Monday ... WHEW!  I need to speak with Wendall to confirm location, for Monday.  Oh and then there's the costumes but it appears I have more time for that now.

I'm getting that familiar tummy ache again. Meanwhile, in the back of my mind is the ever present worry that I have no idea who will shoot the following scenes.  I have no scene selected for the F installment. I have no actors for the G and H installments and locations ... pshaw, not a one.  Ah, the life of a crazy woman.  It's kinda fun!


mrs b said...

i cant wait to see this one!

Nancy T said...

Me too. I just know Jeff will be awesome!