" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Sunday is a work day for me

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday is a work day for me

I just figured out FINALLY, how to record scenes and create scripts without doing the arduous process I was previously doing. I would go into detail about how I was finding the material for my scenes but it's so ridiculous that I will just say, I've found a new way and it's far more efficient! Yea and it's about time!

I'm excited about my "D" scene. Yesterday was my rehearsal with Jeff. Jeff is an impovisational God. He used to own his own company and was absolutely hysterical when he did improv. So, to ask him to do a written scene, by ANOTHER comedian, is probably not the best of all situations for Jeff but he's going to be awesome. We went over the material a bunch of times and I really think the magic will happen when we get in front of the camera. I tend to hold back in rehearsal a bit to save the good performances for when it counts and so does Jeff. I just can't wait to see what we create.

Tuesday is the day for the shoot. I still need a make up artist but if I can't find one, I guess I'll have to rough it. More later. Have to run now. To be honest, my fingers are freezing and it's harder to type when they're cold. I need my laptop soon so I can type from my cozy apartment where the heat is free and up way too high!


Terri said...

Go Nancy and Jeff! Can't wait to see your next D scene!