" " " A to Z with Meryl and Me: Have I got a bla bla blog for you!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Have I got a bla bla blog for you!

It was recently called to my attention that "A to Z with Meryl and Me" may have plateaued. This was not an indication of the quality of the acting or the production value of each segment but more in reference to actual buzz about me, it, Meryl, etc. My friend also said that it would be temporary and there would be another peak coming soon but all I could hear was plateau (echo echo). I felt like I was watching someone leap to their death. I wanted to yell, nooooooooooo because I'm all about NOT putting such a thing out there. The words though, were further validated by my numbers, oh those darn numbers and you know I don't mean darn. As I look at the views for the "E" scene, I am dismayed that the number of views is only at 122 and I put it up on April 14! The reasonable me says, "Um, Nancy, hello??? Remember, it was just tax day ... duh!" The other side of this Libra coin feels like perhaps folks are truly losing interest. Now there's plenty of evidence to the contrary but since neither Ellen DeGeneres, nor Meryl Streep have phoned me lately, I'm feeling a bit vulnerable. While I'm crabbing, I might add that some of my dearest loved ones are NOT watching OR reading! My own daughter barely catches the scenes and only rarely reads my blog. I just stopped myself from singling out every single person that I feel should be taking moments out of their day for this ... you should thank me for that. It does make me ask myself though, if my own daughter doesn't care, why should anyone huge in the industry take note? I do have reasons beyond industry attention that have me doing this but without an audience I feel lost. Meanwhile, I can't believe I'm saying this when I've got over 3000 hits on my youtube channel and over 100 views of a scene I just put up the day before yesterday. Keep in mind that I've done plays that did not have 122 people come for the entire RUN of the show! Talk about performing to the air. This begs the question, if an actor acts in the woods and there's no audience, do they need makeup? Wait a minute, that's not what I meant to say but you get the whole alone thing.

Then here's my other beef and I promise I won't complain anymore for one whole week. I better put that in my calendar. As a side note, the same friend that dropped the plateau bomb on me also said that he's NEVER heard me complain so much in all the time he's known me. Truth is, I'm not a whiner but I feel like instead of keeping those thoughts to myself as I would normally, it's far more interesting to let the real behind the scenes be seen. Hey, if this turns into something bigger, no one wants to read about sunshine and daisies every page. Back to my complaint, so I'm doing this thing, right? Well, I have friends who truly have amazing connections in LA and NYC. These friends may easily know people who actually KNOW Meryl, Oprah, Ellen, etc. Are you getting where I'm headed with this? My question to my dear friends is WHY haven't you sent my links to your EVERY contact? Seriously, a link to this blog, to my youtube, to my website, why, why, why, why, why not? Are you waiting for a more appealing letter in the alphabet? Do you never intend on forwarding it? Do you think I have a PR person calling all the networks? Cuz I sure don't. Back before I broke every computer within my reach, I had my email account set up so I could mass email a huge group of friends with no problem. I would have gladly sent out a silly link. Even if you think my acting stinks up the joint, send it anyway. Oh please, now I'm begging. I mean important friends with real people. I'm talking one friend who works at PARAMOUNT for Pete's sake. Gosh, why is everything for Pete's sake, anyway? Let's just do this for Nancy's sake.

There, I said it. I ranted and complained like I was your wife. Yes, you. I'm talking to YOU ... YOUR WIFE! Now, before you divorce me, I'm asking for you to do more than watch and read, please help me get my views up and get me on some network programming any way you know how. Thank you. I'm bowing now. I'm also marking my calendar so that I don't complain for one whole week like I promised.


Jay said...

Yes, Ma'am. I'm on it!!

Anonymous said...

thanks for post.This article translate for me, my friend Marko
greetings from Camp from Thailand